The course launch has been postponed

If you're interested, please leave me your email address so I can let you know when we open the doors (sometime this May or during the summer).

What if you could consistently turn your creative visions into reality?

You're full of inspiration and potential ideas.

There are days when you can't focus because there are so many things you could do. So many articles and personal stories to write. So many professional projects to explore. So many creative dreams you'd like to turn in to reality... 

But... Excitement often turns into overwhelm. A bottomless well of possibilities often runs dry before you have chance to sit down and turn the vision into reality.

It's time to learn how to follow the spirals of your own creativity. 

And, at the same time, it's time build the compassionate structure that can hold your inspiration.

spirals straightlines lights stair

Introducing Straight Lines and Spirals

Find Creative Freedom through Compassionate Structure

The Straight Lines & Spirals course gives you a "creative magician's tool kit" that will help you understand the flow of your inspiration and establish the frameworks that will support your process of becoming.

Your "Creative Magician's Tool Kit" empowers you to... 

Discover your cauldron of possibility

Examine all that you "could" create and then make wise decisions about where to begin.

Tap into the cycles of nature 

Learn how the wheel of the year & the rhythm of the moon can guide your practice

Change your relationship to your creative, productive & spiritual space

It's not about organization... It's about shaping your spaces so you can make something wondeerful

Honor the sparks of inspiration & the creative constraints of everyday life

We learn magic in order to shape reality by setting the creative intentions that are right for you.

Who is going to love Straight Lines & Spirals?

Are you a healer, therapist, coach, or transformation professional who hopes to use your creativity to inform and deepen your work?

Are you interested in both the practical and the magical sides of life, work, and your passion projects?

This class is for you.

The concepts and skills you will learn in Straight Lines & Spirals will help you translate your ideas and inspiration into material that matters... Use these approaches to turn vision and potential into the writing, the talks, the information products, and the brand story that will help you connect with the people you're meant to serve.

And though a lot of my work is focused entrepreneurs and many of these ideas I'll share are designed to be applied to business, in these eight modules, we're going to talk about how to birth and hold everything from your private creative desires, to your public artistic expression, to your professional marketing.

PS: There will be "woo" - the grounded, there for a reason, I recommend it 'cause I live it kind of spiritual stuff that doesn't ask you to give up your own beliefs but may offer you a new portal into this gorgeous process of becoming.

What's included in this course & how is it delivered?

This eight module course unfolds over four weeks. 

You'll receive access to video, audio, written content that you can explore and complete at your own pace. Each module's exercises will include writing prompts and invitations to draw, play, and even redecorate! 

You'll be invited to participate in our private forum where you can ask questions, ask other participants to hold you accountable to complete each exercise, and make connections in the "Structured Spiral Sisterhood."

We'll conclude the program with a 90-minute group coaching call (date TBD).

Introduction: Discover the ideas and concepts, both practical and magical, that inform "Structured Spirals."

Module 1: What's in your "Cauldron of Possibility"? yeshi-kangrang-258234.jpg

Module 2: Creative discernment and how to "hold and be held" 

Module 3: Your relationship to Time

Module 4: How to (Re)Create Space

Module 5: Movement that Spirals. Motion that Structures.

Module 6: Overcoming Resistance, Distraction, and Inertia

Module 7: Magical Tools & Practical Support

Module 8:  Intention Setting with Straight Lines and Spirals